12 September 2018


CNR-STIIMA fosters competitiveness in the Advanced Manufacturing field at a European level, focusing its research and innovation activities on key-enabling technologies and processes inside the factory.

In the Lecco premises, STIIMA’s activities support the development and use of human-oriented technologies enabling the innovation of products, processes and services. Leveraging the expertise and competences developed in Advanced Manufacturing research, STIIMA develops solutions dedicated to Healthcare & Well-being, encompassing robotic-assisted cognitive and neuromotor rehabilitation, neurological patient’s biomechanical evaluation, Ambient Assisted Living and advanced domestic Context-Aware systems.  

STIIMA has a LivingLab for Future Living Environments for the experimentation of technological solutions and researches’ outputs, equipped with Virtual and Augmented Reality, Semantic Web and Artificial Intelligence technologies. The LivingLab allows to develop novel prototypes for tha assistance and the rehabilitation of neurologic patients, starting from the design and achieving the test phase. The infrastructure also encompasses a cinematic and electromyographic analysis laboratory and a shopfloor, equipped with technologies for the production of additive manufacturing equipment and compiste materials.